Customer Satisfaction Analyzer (SQA)

SQA manages, monitors and reports on the customer satisfaction attributes. By converting these attributes into actionable implementation, user knows where his works are important to customers. Through tracking functionality, the implemented actions are monitored and changing customer satisfactions are revealed.

Key Modules

  • Project and execution management
  • Question and category management
  • Questionnaire data input
  • Data export facility
  • Data analysis
  • Track analysis
  • Report
  • User access and data control

Intelligent User Interface

Survey data input can be completely handled  by using simple point and click.

Data Management

Questionnaire data can be exported to the space, tab or comma delimited format. These data format are widely used by many applications such as Microsoft Excel, SPSS, SAS, ...etc, which save time to re-enter the data in other systems.

Tracking Progress

Survey done in different time spans can be viewed in a single place that monitors the progress of the improvement implemented.

Powerful Decision Making

The Impact / Performance chart gives user the insight of important attributes to customer. The decision matrix provides the guideline where the company should take actions to improve the current situation.

Simple Administration

Project and system level security controls allow administrator flexibility to assign the proper manpower roles to work on data input or decision making.

System Requirement

All our desktop systems are required Java to run, please download a copy of Java Runtime Engine here and install it in your computer.

With Java installed, you can download and install all our desktop systems.


Click here to download the SQA desktop application for installation.

Online trial login name and password

  • login name: guest
  • password: trial